UTB Envirotech Zrt. puts sustainability at the forefront

UniCredit client UTB Envirotech Zrt. is a company well versed and fully engaged in wastewater purification and treatment.
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They design, construct and develop the technologies to achieve this, with their main patents in wastewater treatment and “cyclator” technology. A total of 50 patents are already operating in Hungary and the surrounding countries, as well as a related decanter product line, of which more than 100 are already operating worldwide, including New Zealand and Australia.

Out of all UTB Envirotech Zrt.’s developments, their most important sustainability-related developments is Cycle. Cycle is a range of cleaning products based on a unique technology that allows them to recover useful raw materials from the sewage sludge and turn it into the desired detergent range.

As a company that is heavily invested in Sustainability and ESG as a whole, it’s our top priority to ensure our clients have the same focus and drive to better the world around us. Identifying clients who make concrete sustainable efforts and embed this in their work is always something UniCredit wants to be part of. For this reason, UniCredit has been their exclusive partner for 15 years, providing the client with financial sustainability. In those 15 years, the Group has seen its turnover quintuple and the number of employees triple.

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