Supporting Female Entrepreneurship

Embedding diversity, equity and inclusion best practices across our Group is the only way we can set the tone for our bank for the future.
Reading time: 2 min

UniCredit supported the development of the entrepreneurial environment among women, joining the multi-year national programme for the development of entrepreneurship among women in the sector of small and medium enterprises implemented by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism.

The main objective of the Romanian initiative was to stimulate and support the establishment and development of private economic structures owned and managed by women, improving their economic performance, and achieving intelligent and inclusive economic growth. Based on digitisation, sustainable development, innovation, and training entrepreneurship, we can tackle problems related to maintaining the balance between family and professional obligations and prejudices still existing at a local level.

Through this programme, beneficiaries can obtain non-refundable financial aid from the state within the maximum limit of RON 200,000, an amount that represented a maximum of 95% of the value of eligible expenses related to the project. For eligible beneficiaries, UniCredit Bank facilitates the opening of separate current accounts for accessing the non-refundable aid and provided bridging loans of up to 95% of the value of the eligible expenses related to the project and investment loans for co-financing of up to 15% of the value necessary to ensure the individual contribution.

Empowering our communities starts with people, and providing people with fair and equitable opportunities is one of the key drivers in achieving our Purpose.

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