Real Estate Germany - Industry coverage with a unique target group approach

Being a bank with an international mindset, our business acumen increases as we build our local industry know-how across the different countries in which we operate.
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A perfect example of this is UniCredit HypoVereinsbank in Germany – one of the country’s leading financing banks in the Real Estate sector. For many years, the bank has covered (commercial) real estate companies including national and international investors, project developers, building contractors and housing companies. Profound sector and industry knowledge, as well as a dense market network are just some of the tangible results we see from the work we do.

Our relationship approach is unique. As a universal (non-specialised) bank we are able to offer a variety of financial services along our entire value chain from mortgage loans and sustainable public funds to capital market products such as green bonds, as well as risk-minimising financial instruments. These tailor- made solutions make UniCredit the “one-stop-shop” as we not only have a comprehensive track record in (structured) real estate financing, but also offer significant added value for every mandated transaction across all capital market products on the German real estate market.

Landmark transactions demonstrate that our clients rely on our competencies in this market. For example, we successfully accompanied Vonovia in the issuance of a €1 billion multiple tranche Schuldschein and Namensschuldver-schreibung as Joint Arranger within a bookrunner group of 3 banks. Vonovia SE is Europe’s leading private residential real estate company (it owns ~550,000 residential units across Germany, Austria and Sweden – Deutsche Wohnen included). This offering marked the biggest Schuldschein ever for a real estate corporate.

We will continue to rely on our industry knowledge and years-long relationships within our local markets, driven by our mindset to Win. The Right Way. Together.

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