A digitalised candidate experience through Chatbot

Chatbot represents some of the latest artificial intelligence deployed by UniCredit in recruitments programs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
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It’s a smart recruitment chatbot that interviews candidates for the first round and provides valuable data both to the company and also to the candidates. Through Chatbot, we are able to ensure that our candidates still have a quality interview experience, while also optimising the hiring process when it comes to time to fill a position.

The UniCredit Bot can do more than any other chatbot on the Czech and Slovak market. It not only speaks to candidates but also analyses their data, tests them and sorts them according to their suitability for the position. Since the Bot was introduced, we have received fantastic feedback from candidates who have undergone the hiring process from start to finish, providing our potential employees-to-be with an overall high-quality candidate experience.

The chatbot brings wide opportunity and high potential for digitalisation in our bank and its people. For this reason, in the coming months, we will look to introduce it to other countries of the UniCredit Group as a best practice. Furthermore, we plan to expand the functionality of the chatbot for use beyond recruitment, using it for the growth and development of existing employees.

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