20-year anniversary CSR initiative to support the preservation of biodiversity in Serbia

To mark the 20-year jubilee of UniCredit Bank in Serbia, we launched the campaign: “20 years together to start good things”, which raised RSD 13 million.
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This was done by allocating RSD 2,000 from each cash loan and working capital loan greater than RSD 200,000 towards the sustainability efforts the campaign was looking to support. The funds have now been invested in local environmental conservation and protection projects. The importance of this project was also recognised by the local Ministry of Environmental Protection, with which our bank signed a Memorandum of Cooperation supporting this initiative.

The project includes support for the improvement of the preservation of flora and fauna, natural habitats of animal species, and the improvement of tourist capacity as well as the further promotion of protected areas. To date, we have supported 11 key locations, namely national parks: Kopaonik, Đerdap, Fruška Gora and Tara; natural monuments: Sopotnica waterfalls, Lisine, Resavska cave, Zvezdarska forest, Byford forest; and special nature reserves: Carska bara, Karađorđevo.

The campaign not only gathered positive traction in the local media, but also saw strong interest from Serbia’s citizens who quickly started using the various amenities of the picnic areas that were arranged and visiting the many natural monuments we’ve supported.

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