Putting our clients at the centre

CIB becomes Client Solutions

"Clients: Always at the centre" - Richard Burton, Head of Client Solutions
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At UniCredit, we continue to build our business around clients. Client Solutions represents the strategic evolution of our very successful former corporate and investment banking business. As part of the new operating model launched under UniCredit Unlocked, we have opened up our product platform to all Group clients – bringing the scale of each of our different banks together in combination with targeted product expertise that we can deliver in the countries. We are no longer a collection of silos, we are interdependent. As a result, we feel much lighter, nimbler and stronger as an organisation.

Client Solutions is also the area in which we house all of the specialist products that the Group offers to its clients. It is an evolution of the way we worked before and one that is helping us to fully unlock our potential. We want to empower our bankers with both the right tools and best-in-class products to focus their attention, effort, and energy on delivering for clients. Our clients have unique needs and understanding them increases the quality of our strategic dialogue. Now more than ever, they need our guidance: we are ready and eager to support them.

Proximity to our clients and a profound knowledge of the markets in which we operate, are the pillars of our sustainable growth. We have harnessed the power of being both international and local at once; whilst we are more international than the local banks, our granularity within the countries we operate means that we continue to be more local than our international peers.

UniCredit Unlocked leverages two two centralised product factories – Corporate and Individual Solutions – to deliver our best-in-class capabilities to all the Group’s clients. Corporate Solutions comprises Client Risk Management, Advisory and Capital Markets, Specialised Lending, and Transactions and Payments, whilst Individual Solutions covers Funds, Portfolio Management, Brokerage and Assets under Custody, and Insurance.

Our bankers cannot deliver without having the right products, and our products cannot be delivered without our bankers. This is perfectly aligned matrix of Client Solutions puts the client at the centre of all that we do.


Our clients understand that if they come to UniCredit, we know what they need and what they want. It is because of this that they are willing to come and share this information and their problems and this allows us to overcome the challenges they have. The clue’s in the name, ‘Solutions’.

Richard Burton
Head of Client Solutions