Building an integrated, fast, and Digital bank

Living Digital Days

Digital & Data

Over the past year, our Group has reached new and meaningful heights: launching UniCredit University Digital, the Living Digital Community, the UCX Consumer Finance in Italy, the OneWealth platform in Germany and the COSMOS platform, and much more.

This year, colleagues across our Bank gathered to learn from Digital and Business experts about the most recent initiatives we are putting in place to build an integrated, fast, and digital bank through our first-ever Living Digital Days.

Over the course of three days, more than 10,000 colleagues followed the event and connected online or attended in presence at our 25 speeches and 25+ physical stands in Milan, Munich, Vienna, Zagreb, Budapest, Prague and Bucharest. Over 40 speakers offered insights on how we are transforming our Bank to offer our clients best-in-class products and services.

The event kicked-off with Jingle Pang, Group Digital & Information Officer, confirming the progress made in our digital transformation journey, emphasising why we need to focus on the future, embrace the latest and greatest technologies and deliver digital solutions for a best-in-class, integrated customer experience.

At UniCredit, we recognise that a digital transformation for an organisation of our size and scale is never simple or immediate. Our Bank is rich in history and built on knowledge only attained by many years of past experience. On the other hand, we are focused on the future, embracing the latest and greatest technologies and digital solutions to deliver a world-class experience. Combining the two is what gives us our competitive advantage.


The first-ever digital event to gather everyone in our Group and showcase the power of technology. Combining it with a best-in-class integrated customer experience is what gives us our competitive advantage.

Jingle Pang
Group Digital & Information Officer

Digital Days

Over the 3-day expo we exhibited and demonstrated how Digital is shaping our Bank, our industry and concretely changing the lives of our clients. This transformation is possible because each of our people are taking ownership and contributing, no matter how small, to the success of our bank: from our Digital colleagues to the Business areas and support functions who act as our true partners.

More specifically, the Living Digital Days event represented a critical next step for our Bank – recognising each employee participant and their essential role in our digital transformation.


An event with a great balance between content that is both informative and creative, conveying the Group’s Digital strategy in a simple way.

Barisaac Raphael
Global Head of Cash Management

A conversation with...

Jingle Pang, Group Digital & Information Officer  


Jingle Pang
Group Digital & Information Officer 

To you, what did Living Digital Days mean for UniCredit?

Digitalisation is not just a buzzword. It is about making Digital a core part of everything we do. It’s not just a task of a few individuals, but a regular business practice that is embedded into everyone’s daily tasks. At UniCredit, we strive to digitalise every possible journey and provide our colleagues a platform to showcase their progress, to learn from others, and find out about best practice within the company and the market. I was thrilled to launch the first edition of Living Digital Days, UniCredit’s first Digital Expo Conference, with people from eight countries across Europe joining and playing an essential role in our transformation. Over the three days, we celebrated the many steps we have taken to transform our bank into a more integrated, fast, and digital organisation for our people and our clients.

Over the past year, we reached new and meaningful heights. Launching Digital University, the global UCX Consumer Finance in Italy, Funds on mobile, UC Hedge and UC PayFX for our corporate clients, and the list continues. And it has not been easy. A digital transformation of an organisation of our size and scale is never simple or immediate. 

Our bank is focused on the future, embracing the latest and greatest technologies and digital solutions to deliver a best-in-class integrated customer experience. Combining the two is what gives us our competitive advantage. This event made a lasting impact and sparked reflection in everyone’s mindset, boosting confidence for the future and ambition to win.


Why was this important for UniCredit’s commitments?

Being the Bank for Europe’s future means becoming an integrated, fast, and efficient digital bank using state-of-the-art, cloud-based infrastructure. To make the transformation possible and use Data to empower our decision making, adapt continuously to a shifting market, and offer a best-in-class customer experience, we needed everyone to be on board:  from our Digital colleagues to the business areas and support functions, who act as our true partners. 

Since the start of our Digital transformation, I have met many colleagues who play or want to play an active role in our digital transformation journey. It’s during these moments that I realise how much passion and enthusiasm each of our people puts into Living Digital every day. Like me, they see this as an essential component for the delivery to our customers, our stakeholders, and the positioning of our bank in the market and across Europe. With the Living Digital Days event, we brought this passion to life, embracing all we have accomplished. 


Why are you particularly proud to have launched the first-ever Digital expo in UniCredit?

In today's market, access to the right information can make a world of difference. So, from 19 to 21 October 2022, we connected our professionals and business leaders with digital experts to convey the Group's digital strategy in a simple and accessible way, exhibiting and demonstrating how Digital is shaping our bank, our industry, and concretely changing our lives and those of our customers.  

Over the 3-day expo, we organised 25 onstage, and virtual speeches and more than 25 physical expo stands in Milan, Munich, Vienna, Zagreb, Budapest, Prague, and Bucharest. Over 40 speakers offered insights on how we are transforming our bank to offer our clients best-in-class products and services. Our countries came together for an unforgettable moment engaging over 13,000 colleagues across the Group. The learnings we took with us have already started shaping a new Digital mindset, living with a more forward-thinking, future-focused way of working.