Unlocking the potential of Europe’s next generation

UniCredit Foundation relaunch

"Educating Europe: re-writing the future" - Silvia Cappellini, General Manager of UniCredit Foundation and Wendy Copp, CEO and Co-Founder of Teach for All
Podcast INterview with Silvia Cappellini

This year, the UniCredit Foundation relaunched its Purpose and commitment to empowering Europe’s youth by unlocking their potential through equal education opportunities. We believe that only by investing in the next generation’s education and progression, can we ensure growth and development across our society.

In line with UniCredit’s ambition – to be the bank for Europe’s future – our Foundation is focused on giving Europe’s next generation the key to unlocking their innate potential and empowering them to become the changemakers of our society.

To do this, the UniCredit Foundation is working towards combating school drop-out rates, encouraging university attainment, promoting study and research, and enhancing employability. These all directly feed into the Foundation’s new Purpose: to unlock the potential of Europe’s next generation. The UniCredit Foundation empowers our youth by providing them with the tools and resources they need to become successful in their academic and professional careers.

This is why the Foundation relaunched its Mission: offering equal educational opportunities to Europe’s youth – our future leaders of tomorrow. To pursue this ambitious new journey, the UniCredit Foundation reshaped its governing bodies, electing a new Board of Directors for the next three years, which will be chaired by Andrea Orcel, Group Chief Executive Officer and Head of Italy, and vice-chaired by Professor Giorgio Barba Navaretti. Serenella De Candia has maintained her role as a member of the Board, while six new members have joined: Katharina Gehra, Szilvia Gyurkó, Roberto Kutić, Dorith Salvarani-Drill, Gerry Salole and Klaus Schwertner.

The nine international members aim at ensuring there is equal representation both internally (UniCredit Group) and externally outside of the bank. Further, the careful selection of representatives maintains a strong presence of members from all four UniCredit regions, who represent diverse backgrounds, gender, expertise, and philanthropic experience.

At UniCredit, we believe that education is essential. It is our responsibility as an institution to identify, support and empower our youth – those individuals who will lay the foundation for Europe’s progress and success in the years to come. It is our bank’s Purpose to empower communities to progress, and it is our commitment to promoting social advancement, in line with our ESG strategy and UniCredit Group’s strategic plan.