Embedding DE&I in everything we do

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Week


Each year, UniCredit celebrates Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Week across the Group. The week offers a time for celebration, connection, and reflection on all we have accomplished – reaffirming our commitment to DE&I progression. DE&I Week served as another key milestone in achieving the strong cultural foundation we aspire to build for our bank and its people.

Embedding DE&I in everything we do

The events took place on November 7-11, and saw each country participate in a series of engagement initiatives that were hosted at the Group level and adopted at the local level. Our key messages focused on the #EmpoweringU theme – empowering our people to be champions of DE&I and in turn, empowering the communities we operate in. Throughout the week, we engaged our people in conversations on eye-opening topics, raising awareness and encouraging our people to think outside the box. We also took time to recognise the DE&I tangible best practices across the Group that guide our behaviours and the way we do business.

At UniCredit, we believe that when Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work in harmony, great things happen: People feel respected and valued for their contributions, which directly impacts productivity, and People feel a sense of belonging, connection, and shared pride, which increases well-being. DE&I encourages our colleagues to be able to express their views and ideas which, in turn, fuels creativity and innovation. When people feel their potential is acknowledged it enables them to unlock their talent, improve their performance and increase levels of job satisfaction.

Contrary to previous years, in 2022 we diversified the DE&I Week experience by incorporating several new components including a virtual kick-off event streamed in all Group languages, local activations in all our countries, a thought-provoking communications campaign and DE&I Accountable Executive interviews focused on five key topics for each day (Gender in STEM, Disability, LGBTQIA+, Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, and Generations), internal sharing of DE&I resources and best practices, and much more.

All of this enables us to achieve sustainable business growth and better serve everyone from clients and communities to shareholders.